The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well
naturopathic medicine
Naturopathic Medicine is an art that uses the best available research along with traditional therapies such as botanical medicine, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) to address and/or prevent illness. It is a beautiful combination of Eastern and Western Medicine. Using Western diagnostics, labs, and research, and using the Eastern concept of treating the patient as a whole, using the above therapies. The aim is to find the root cause of the illness and address the cause effects to have long-lasting results.
Naturopathic Medicine works with the body's innate defense system to aid it in healing.
This is a great therapy to consider for the following:
Digestive concerns (bloating, cramping, difficulty digesting, irregular bowel movements, etc.)
Wanting to discover food sensitivities
Hormonal imbalances (irregular menses, acne, decrease in libido, difficulty getting pregnant, etc.)
Difficulty maintaining a healthy weight
Sleeping difficulty (difficulty falling and/or maintaining sleep, not waking up feeling refreshed)
Desire to support your body through a stressful period
Desire to develop a healthy self-care practice
Nutritional insufficiencies
Desire to be proactive with your health
and more!