
Insect Repellents

With summer here, people are wanting to go out and explore. This desire is even stronger since we've been isolating, social distancing, and not leaving our houses. Going out and enjoying the national parks by hiking or camping is a great way to get fresh air and a change of scenery. However, with being outside, and tall grasses, comes the potential of getting tick and mosquito bites.

Ticks can transmit diseases like Lyme's disease, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. These disease can literally change your life for the worse, and even if their rate isn't high, it's something shouldn’t risk getting. Lyme's Disease is incredibly complex, and we are still learning about it today. People who do have it are extremely passionate about educating other about it because of how dramatically their lives have changed. So the easiest way to prevent these diseases is to prevent them from biting you. This is were insect repellent and protective clothing becomes your friend.

In the event that you are bitten by a tick, you should extract all of it, including the head (this means nor twisting it off, because it might leave it's head in your skin). Do not irritate the tick by pouring alcohol, because you may cause it to vomit in you. There are tools you can get to help with this. After you remove it, you should keep it to be tested to make sure it isn't a carrier of Lyme's disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc.

I was researching different essential oils (EO) and their effectiveness against mosquitoes and ticks, so that you may be able to make your own. The problems arise because there isn't a lot of research on it, and of the research done, nothing is really definitive. One thing that is important to know if you decide to make your own is that the volatile oils are what makes it effective. So once the scent has evaporated, it is no longer effective. For most essential oils this is between 45 minutes - 2hrs. This means that you are going to have to reapply multiple times throughout the day.

Also, there are some oils that work well together and others that don't. This means they either boost each other's effectiveness, or the decrease the total effectiveness. So knowing which oils to mix together is also important. For example, there are articles that display that Mankua EO works well with oregano EO, while Manuka EO and clove bud EO don't work well together. You are able to combine these essential oils with 'fixer' to make them last longer. The one that pops up often in the studies is vanillin, which can be found in vanilla bean essential oil. It allows the effectiveness of other to last longer.

essential oils

Essential oils that have been shown to have insect repellent properties are the following (Asadollahi A, et al, 2019):

  • Oregano + Manuka essential oils - work together to repel mosquitoes. Clove bud oil works against these two oils, making their repellent action weaker (Muturi EJ, et al, 2017)

  • 2-undecanone - from the leaves and stems of wild tomato plants. It is able to repel blacklegged and lone star ticks (Cisak E, et al, 2012)

  • Carrot Seed essential oil - against mosquitoes, and works well together with DEET

  • Lemongrass +cinnamon bark essential oil - repellent against cool weather mosquitoes (Peach DHA, et al, 2019)

  • Lavender essential oil - against mosquitoes (Bedini S, et al, 2018)

  • Chinese lovage essential oil - has been found to be comparable with DEET, with complete protection from 9.1-11.5 hrs (Sanghong R, et al, 2015)

Please keep in mind that these are not hard and fast rules about essential oils. There are a number of other essential oils that have studies on them, but it can be difficult researching them with contradictory studies. These are some of the ones that I was able to find, but there are more. There are studies that display mixing too many oils together decreased their effectiveness, so make your mixtures as simple as possible.

Last thing to note, is that the studies were done all over the world, and believe it or not, there are a number of different mosquito species, and not all of them are repelled with the same oils. For example, the mosquitoes in Thailand are resistant to DEET.

Essential oils can cause skin reactions depending on how sensitive you are, and it is suggested that you mix them (can mix them in grain alcohol, I’ve seen people recommend using witch hazel as well), and to do a test patch to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

~ Dr. Charmagne

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

I am happiest when I connect with people. When I feel that connection, it feels like I've become closer to the people I talk with - even if we've been friends for 10+ years. You can get this feeling by talking to people online, but it's not the same as being with those people in person. The experience is always richer, and more memorable. Your heart soars.

However, it is hard to connect with people when you don't feel like it, and sometimes you may not even know why. You might feel exhausted, that there's no point in going out, that you would just bring everyone else's mood down. But it isn't about any of that. It is about your mental well-being, and what you need to do to help pick yourself up so that you can enjoy and live your life to the fullest. It is said that life is a present, and it can most definitely be.

Positive Self Coaching

Everyone talks to themselves in one way or the other, we all have that voice in our heads that speaks a certain way. For most of us, that voice puts us down. It tells you that you're not good enough, that you suck, that you aren't worth it, the list goes on. It knows your weak spots and will exploit them. For many, this is the only voice they hear. But it is not your voice, it is not you. Change the way you speak to yourself. Be kind to yourself - like you would to your best friend. It is difficult changing that voice to one of love, when it has been so negative for so long. But it can be done. I know it sounds cheesy, but calling yourself "love" can be one way to start the change. In addition to bringing more love to yourself by calling yourself love, you remind yourself that you should practice self-love. 

Support Groups

It is important for you to know that you are not alone - you don't ever have to be alone. There are people experiencing similar things, and when these people come together and support each other, something magical happens. Along with finding a group of people that can support you, new friendships can be made, along with a sense of purpose. This group can be whoever you want it to be. For me it's my friends and family, for others it is a group going through similar difficulties such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, alcoholism, etc. The following link to support groups found in Calgary:

Gratitude Journaling

Many people say that gratefulness is the key to happiness (Huffington Post). Gratitude journaling is an amazing exercise to practice daily, and helps to gently change your attitude to one of gratitude. It allows you to see a different perspective, be more empathetic, create a deeper understanding of yourself, and keep things in perspective. Having this journal can also be useful when your mood is lower as a way to remind you of all the things in your life that brings you happiness. 

Going Outside

There are so many beautiful things to behold outside, whether it's a tender interaction between two people, seeing someone helping another, the fluffy clouds passing by, feeling the wind caress your face, or the beautiful changing colours of the leaves. There are things you can enjoy. Do the things you've always wanted to try. There's no pressure trying to placate another person, and you can do everything at your leisure, there are no time constraints to see another place unless you want to. After a few times, this is very liberating, this kind of independence is beautiful and something to savor. 

Finding Your Purpose

This one is really important. Finding your purpose will give you the energy to get out of bed on the days you really don't want to. It gives you that extra push because there is something you are trying to achieve. Generally, the purpose isn't material-based. It is something bigger than yourself that you can dedicate your life to. For some, it's providing for their family, for others is taking care of their beloved pet, and yet, for others, it's helping or supporting someone get through something going on in their lives. Finding your purpose can be difficult, so one way to start finding your own purpose is by learning more and discovering who you are. Your purpose can be whatever you want it to be, and it makes you feel like there's a reason you are here.

Remember, it is completely normal for you not to be happy every single moment of your life. It is okay to feel "blah," it's ok for you to feel down, content, etc. These emotions are not bad and are often needed in life. Life ebbs and flows, and your mood will change accordingly. Social media has made it easier for people to show the best parts of their lives, the parts they feel alive - but behind the scenes, their moods can quite often, be the opposite of what they are displaying. 

With lots of Love,

~Dr. Charmagne